207 Serializer 600 Unspecified Server error. 601 Unspecified client error. 602 An element with a MustUnderstand attribute was not understood. 603 The Soap processor found an invalid namespace for the SOAP Envelope element. 604 An unanticipated error occurred during the processing of this request. 605 There is not enough memory to service this request. 606 One of the parameters supplied is invalid. 607 Parameter %1!d! has an invalid value. 608 Soap client is not initialized. 609 The property "%1" is not recognized. 610 Type conversion failure for element %1 611 Loading the request into SoapReader failed. 612 Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received 613 Receiving the Soap response failed 614 The Soap server is not initialized 615 The requested service %1 could not be found in the '%2' namespace of the WSDL file 616 The requested port %1 could not be found in the WSDL file 617 The WSDL file does not contain a default service 618 The WSDL file does not contain a default port 619 Insufficient number of output parameters in SOAP response 620 Unexpected output parameter in SOAP answer 622 Incorrect number of parameters supplied for SOAP request 623 The connector could not be created. There might be an invalid endPoint specified in the WSDL file 624 The SoapSerializer object could not be created. 625 Soap client is already initialized. 626 Can't map array into BYREF parameter or function result 627 The incoming SOAP response contained a header that could not be processed 628 Can't map UDT into parameter or function result: UDTypes do not match 650 The size of the request exceeds the limit allowed by the server. 700 The property %1 cannot be read. 701 The property %1 cannot be set. 702 The attachment file has been saved and is not owned by SOAP anymore. 703 One of the attachments exceeds the maximum size allowed. 704 The default (simple) message composer doesn't support attachments. 705 Sending one or several attachments failed 706 Loading the dime message failed. Wrong DIME version 1000 Ambiguous server error. 1050 Bad request to the server. 1051 Access denied. 1052 Forbidden. 1053 Resource not found on the server. 1054 Invalid Http method. 1055 Request timeout. 1056 Conflict of server resources. 1057 Gone. 1058 Request too large. 1059 Bad server address. 1060 Maximum retry on the connection exceeded. 1070 Initializing the serializer failed 1100 Unspecified server error. 1101 Feature not supported by the server. 1102 Bad Gateway. 1103 Server overloaded. 1104 Server timeout. 1105 Version not supported. 1200 Server returned content type other than text/xml 1300 Connection failure. 1301 Invalid client certificate name. 1400 Unspecified HTTP error. 1401 HTTP Send/Receive error. 1402 Out of memory. 1403 Bad HTTP Request. 1404 Bad HTTP Response. 1405 Bad URL specified. 1406 DNS lookup failure. 1407 Connection failed or server refused connection (request might exceed MaxPostSize). 1408 HTTP Send failed. 1409 HTTP Receive failed. 1410 Host not found. 1411 HTTP protocol overloaded. 1412 Externally forced HTTP connection abort. 1413 No HTTP response received. 1414 Bad HTTP chunk received. 1415 Http error while parsing server's response. 1416 Request timeout. 1417 Cannot use proxy for the request. 1418 Bad certificate. 1419 Bad certification authority. 1420 SSL connection error. 1421 Connection time out. 1422 SSL certificate common name (host name field) is incorrect 1423 SSL certificate date that was received from the server is bad. The certificate is expired. 1424 The SSL certificate contains errors. 1425 Bad certificate (CERT_NO_REV) 1426 Bad certificate (CERT_REV_FAILED) 1427 SSL certificate was revoked. 1428 SSL certificate is invalid. 1429 The server is requesting client authentication. 1430 WinHTTP is unfamiliar with the Certificate Authority that generated the server's certificate. 1431 WinHTTP reported 'security channel error' or unknown security call back. 1432 A request to InternetQueryOption or InternetSetOption specified an invalid option value. 1433 The type of handle supplied is incorrect for this operation. 1434 No matching authorization scheme enable on connector. 2000 WSDLReader 2001 Loading of the WSML file failed 2002 Loading of the WSDL file failed 2003 No service entry found in the WSDL 2004 Initialization of service failed 2005 The service has no name attribute 2006 WSDLService 2007 Processing service %1 found no port definitions 2009 Initialization of the port for service %1 failed 2010 Processing service %1 found no port definitions 2011 The port has no name 2012 WSDLPort 2013 The port %1 does not have binding information 2015 The port %1 has no location attribute 2016 No binding section was found for port %1 2018 Analyzing the binding information for port %1 failed 2019 The type attribute on the binding for port %1 is missing 2020 The soap:binding subnode on the binding for port %1 is missing 2021 The style attribute on the binding for port %1 is missing 2022 The transport attribute on the binding for port %1 is missing 2023 Port %1 has no operations 2024 An operation for port %1 could not be initialized 2025 The operation has no name attribute 2026 WSDLOperation 2027 The soap:operation subnode is missing for operation %1 2028 No soapaction attribute for operation %1 2029 Initializing of the input message failed for operation %1 2030 Initializing of the output message failed for operation %1 2031 The operation %1 has neither body nor header definitions 2032 The operation %1 has no use attribute 2033 The operation %1 was not found in the porttype section 2034 The message part not found in the porttype section for operation %1 2035 The message part not found for message %1 2036 Initialization of a SoapMapper for operation %1 failed 2037 SoapMapper 2038 The SoapMapper has no name attribute 2039 The SoapMapper %1 has neither element nor type definitions 2040 The schema definition with a targetnamespace of %1 for SoapMapper %2 could not be found 2051 The schema definition for SoapMapper %1 could not be understood 2052 The type attribute for SoapMapper %1 could not be found 2053 The SoapMapper for element %1 could not be created 2054 Analyzing the WSDL file failed 2055 GetIDsOfNames failed: no dispatch ID for method %1 found 2056 Executing method %1 caused an exception 2057 Executing method %1 failed 2058 The server object expected a different parameter count for method %1 2059 One of the passed in parameters was no valid VARTYPE for method %1 2060 The requested member %1 does not exist, or the call to Invoke tried to set the value of a read-only property 2061 Execution failed with an HRESULT of 0x%1!x! 2062 The SoapMapper %1 had a type which could not be converted during IDispatch::Invoke 2063 Instantiating the dispatch object for method %1 failed 2064 The operation requested in the Soap message with soapAction %1 isn't defined in the WSDL file. This may be because it is in the wrong namespace or has incorrect case 2065 XML Parser failed at linenumber %2!d!, lineposition %3!d!, reason is: %1 2067 The message part name %1 is a duplicate 2068 The prefix %1 of QNAME %2 is not associated with a namespace 2071 Unsupported encoding style %1. Only SOAP spec section 5 compliant encoding is currently supported. 2072 The operation %1 is defined with encoded-style but has no encoding attribute 2073 The operation %1 is defined with encoded-style but has no namespace attribute 2074 The parameters for element %1 in operation %2 could not be created. The parameters could not be expanded 2075 The parameterOrder attribute for operation %1 was invalid. It either did specify the same parts multiple times or not all required parts 2076 Init was already called on the WSDLReader. It can only be called once per active object 2077 The operation %1 is defined as document/encoded. This is unsupported 2078 The operation %1 is defined in document/literal mode and has multiple parts defined with types. This is invalid 2079 The current version of the Soap toolkit needs english language support installed 2080 In document/literal mode you can only have a single part/type declaration in a message definition. %1 is incorrectly defined 2081 In rpc/encoded mode, message parts have to be defined with types, not with elements. %1 is incorrectly defined 2082 Finding the href attribute %1 failed 2084 None of the matching operations for soapAction %1 could successfully load the incoming request. Potential typemapper problem 2085 Instantiating the header handler for method %1 failed 2086 Reading the headers for method %1 failed 2087 The custom mapper with progid %1 is marked free threaded. This is unsupported 2088 Could not find '/definitions/service' inside the '%1' namespace of the wsdl file 2089 Output message part found in porttype section for one-way operation %1 2090 Could not find '/definitions' inside the default WSDL namespace 2091 Could not find the targetNamespace attribute on the '/definitions' element inside the default WSDL namespace 2092 Could not find 'portType' with name '%1' in WSDL file 2093 MimeBinding 2094 The operation has no mime parts defined 2095 Applying the binding failed 2096 Type conflict for part (%1) 2097 The operation %1 had an invalid parts attribute 2100 Analyzing the WSML file failed 2101 Loading the WSML file into MSXML failed 2102 The service %1 was not found 2103 Initializing the service %1 failed 2104 The service element has no name attribute 2105 No elements for service %1 2106 No PROGID attribute for service %1 2107 No ID attribute for service %1 2108 Initializing the port for service %1 failed 2109 Initializing the operation for port %1 failed 2110 Operation %1 has no execute section or the operation node itself could not be found 2111 Operation %1 has no methodname attribute in the execute section 2112 Operation %1 has no "uses" attributed in the execute section 2113 Operation %1 has invalid dispatch information in the execute section 2114 A SoapMapper for operation %1 could not be initialized 2115 A parameter node for the %1 part specified in the WSDL document could not be found in the WSML document 2116 SoapMapper %1 found no callindex attribute 2117 The custom mapper %1 has no uses attribute defined 2118 The dispatch object for attribute %1 could not be found 2119 The custom typemapper %1 in namespace %2 could not be added 2120 Initializing typemapper for the SoapMapper %1 failed 2121 Converting data for SoapMapper failed inside the typemapper 2122 Putting data into SoapMapper %1 failed 2123 Restoring data into SoapMapper %1 failed 2124 Saving SoapMapper %1 failed 2126 The PROGID %1 is invalid 2127 Creating ID for %1 failed 2128 No targetClassId/targetPROGID or ObjectFactory for Generic Typemapper 2129 Finding libPROGID attribute failed 2130 Finding libVersion attribute failed 2131 Saving an attachment for SoapMapper %1 failed 2132 The attachment collection for SoapMapper %1 is empty 2133 The dispatch object of a binding node for attribute %1 could not be found 2134 The temporary attachment folder for service %1 is invalid 2135 Adding the WSML information for operation %1 failed 2136 Finding dime related schema data for SoapMapper %1 failed 2137 Finding the dime mediatype failed 2138 Finding dime related part declaration for SoapMapper %1 failed 2200 Can't create mapper for array element of type %1 in namespace %2. 2201 Array dimensions do not match definition. 2202 Array type and definition are undefined. 2203 Undefined or unsupported mapper requested inside 'anyType' 2204 Can't create mapper inside 'anyType' of type %1 in namespace %2. 2205 Array's level of nesting does not match definition 2206 Array's 'offset' attribute's dimension does not match to array's dimension 2207 The custom binding with ProgID %1 has the wrong threading model or is not properly registered 2208 The operation %1 could not resolve the defined binding 2209 The binding information of the %2 part of operation %1 could not parsed 2210 Only 1-dimensional array with variable size supported 2300 WSDLImporter 2301 No location attribute was found for a WSDL import statement 2302 No namespace attribute was found for a WSDL import statement 2303 The import preparation for the document %1 failed 2304 No schemaLocation attribute was found for a schema:include or schema:import statement 2400 DimeBinding 2401 The operation has no dime parts defined 3000 Soap Header Handler 3001 Writing soap headers failed 3002 Reading soap headers failed 3003 Generic Custom Type Mapper 3004 Element %1 can not be found in type definition of %2 3005 Cannot create target object %1 3006 UDT Mapper 3007 Cannot access UDT info of %1 3008 Invalid nil attribute. 3100 Element %1 could not be loaded while loading type %2 3101 Element %1 could not be saved while saving type %2 4001 The attachment did not specify the required charset attribute for the conversion 4002 The tempory file %2 in the specified temporary folder %1 for attachments could not be created